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Name: Tyler
Location: Mountain View, California, United States

thinking := [life, games, movies, philosophy, math, coding, pizza, &c.]

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Turning a convex partition into a Voronoi diagram

[New wiki page on Voronoi diagrams]

A Voronoi diagram (named after Russian mathematician Georgy Voronoi, 1868-1908) is a partition of space based on a set of points. This is the main idea: we are given a set - usually small and sparse - of points which we'll call Voronoi centers. Let's suppose that each of these center points has its own color. Then we can color all of space by coloring any point according to the center it is closest to.

In the figure here (from wikipedia), each black dot is a Voronoi center, and the cells are colored accordingly.

It's easy to think of some places where we might see similar patterns in nature. For example, the shapes on a turtle's shell, or the hexagons of a honeycomb resemble Voronoi diagrams. Close-packed living cells sometimes do as well, maybe because as they became further squished together, their boundaries approached a shape optimized for packing.

You might notice that every cell in a Voronoi diagram is convex - it is a shape without "dents" - every line between two points in a Voronoi cell is contained within that cell (contrast this with, say, pac man). So every Voronoi diagram is a convex partition. Is every convex partition also a Voronoi diagram? No! In fact, there are many ways to draw a convex partition which is impossible to represent as a Voronoi diagram (see the wiki for some details).

But for those convex partitions which allow a Voronoi diagram, how hard is it to find the corresponding center points? With the right algorithm, it's not so difficult. Here's the main idea: draw a circle around some intersection of three boundaries in the convex partition, pick a random point, and reflect it around the boundaries. After reflecting three times, take the average of this point, and the starting point, along the circle. What you get is a working Voronoi center for that intersection. Reflect this point around to find the other two centers (if you reflect it three times, you'll just get back to your original point). Check out the figure.

Once we have candidate Voronoi centers for any two adjacent 3-intersections, you can expand the circles on which these centers exist until the centers line up. These centers are guaranteed to be the correct unique center for their cells (assuming that the convex partition is a Voronoi diagram). From here, just reflect the centers over the neighboring boundaries of the partition to find all other centers.

This is just a quick summary of a few of the thoughts on the wiki page.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Company ToDo: Something New

Let’s imagine: tomorrow your employer dissolves. All corporate assets are split evenly among all employees, and everyone is told to work for themself, or in a group of former co-workers. Would the innovation in your sector get better or worse?

Let’s call this hypothetical post-employer innovation your company’s creative baseline.

A lot of companies follow goals that look like this: make money by solving problems we can get paid to solve. Often, they think this way because it’s just a job to most employees -- including executives.

Without any serious experience or business degrees to justify my claims (well, beyond some raw rationalization below), I’m going to propose the following business paradigm:
1. Do one thing very well
2. Keep your creative baseline high
3. Exceed your baseline

Of course, these ideas go together. You could always claim 1 as your ultimate goal, and argue that money and innovation are just subgoals to keep doing that one thing really well, for more customers, over a longer timespan.

But it seems as if a lot of companies aren’t thinking about 2 and 3.

Keeping your baseline high means working with people who think for themselves - and are good at it. If you’re hiring people you couldn’t imagine as worthy competitors, why are you expecting anything more from them at your company?

Exceeding your baseline is even trickier. But this is the fundamental idea of growing a company in the first place - you can do better together than you could apart. The problem is that an employee, as opposed to a founder, inherently has less freedom and less accountability for their contributions. At the same time, you can offer them access to invaluable resources they’d probably miss on their own: capital, an existing corporate reputation, and each other.

Why should these goals, among the plethora of proffered principles, be singled out?

Because stagnant and errant businesses die, but sectors keep on going. Company Old doesn’t disappear because customers stop caring about a general problem they need solved -- it gets replaced by Company New that offers a better approach. The golden ticket for Company Old to avoid replacement is to employ the creative minds that can create the new - and to enable them to build Company New from within.